The national case average in the U.S. continued to plummet to its lowest levels since early August over the past week, dropping 16 percent in the last seven days to 88,552 as of Oct. 11, according to data from The Washington Post. But experts cautioned that the virus still posed a serious threat in the face of disappearing safety measures and upcoming gatherings during the holiday season, especially for those who had yet to receive vaccines or necessary booster shots. “A lot of it depends on human behavior, and human behavior in this pandemic hasn’t served us very well,” Rochelle Walensky, MD, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said in a call with reporters on Oct. 6. “We are battling with ourselves, not with the common foe.” During an Oct. 10 interview on CNN’s State of the Union, Anthony Fauci, MD, the White House’s chief medical adviser, took a moment to appreciate the progress recently made against the pandemic. “We do want to celebrate and look forward to the fact that we are going in the right direction,” he told host Dana Bash, noting that the seven-day average of new COVID cases is below 100,000, hospitalizations are below 10,000, and deaths are below 2,000 for the first time in months. “That’s the good news. And, hopefully, it’s going to continue to go in that trajectory, downward,” Fauci said. But, he cautioned COVID-19 may not be done with us yet. “We have to just be careful that we don’t prematurely declare victory in many respects. We still have around 68 million people who are eligible to be vaccinated that have not yet gotten vaccinated,” he warned. “If you look at the history of the surges and the diminutions in cases over a period of time, they can bounce back.” Read on to see which states have experienced COVID surges of greater than five percent over the past week as of Oct. 12, according to data from The Washington Post.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb RELATED: If You Notice This, You May Have Been Exposed to COVID, Virus Experts Say.

New cases in the last seven days: 24 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 6 percent

A plateauing of cases across New York has bumped up over the past week, with a six percent increase in new cases per capita in the last seven days. The slight jump could affect the progress made in bringing down hospitalizations and deaths, which have dropped by seven percent and 13 percent over the past 14 days as of Oct. 12, respectively, according to data from The New York Times.

New cases in the last seven days: 42 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 6 percent

According to an update from state health officials on Oct. 11, the 7-day case average for Michigan climbed to 3,603, marking the highest it’s been since early May. The new data also marked the 13th straight week that numbers have been rising in the state. RELATED: Dr. Fauci Just Gave This Warning About the Next COVID Surge.

New cases in the last seven days: 35 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 7 percent

The most recent surge of COVID cases in New Mexico comes as hospitalizations have plateaued at a relatively high rate. Local health officials are concerned that any added pressure on the overcrowded hospitals across the state could take a serious toll on the healthcare system. “The fact that this is going on at this level has become incredibly stressful,” David Scrase, MD, acting health secretary for New Mexico, told the Santa Fe Reporter. “Our hospital personnel are incredibly exhausted, discouraged, and frustrated, frankly, that they are now managing a pandemic and working extra shifts and endangering their own health for what has become a preventable illness.”

New cases in the last seven days: 89 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 8 percent

An ongoing COVID surge has pushed cases even higher in Montana, with health officials reporting 12,539 active cases across the state on Oct. 8. This figure is more than two and a half times higher than the same date a year ago when there were 4,851 active cases, The Billings Gazette reports. The state has also seen hospitalizations increase by nine percent in the past two weeks, according to data from The Times as of Oct. 12. RELATED: If You Notice This at a Restaurant, Don’t Eat There, Virus Experts Warn.

New cases in the last seven days: 52 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 12 percent

Minnesota is still struggling with an ongoing COVID surge, where cases have risen 29 percent over the past two weeks, hospitalizations have increased 17 percent, and deaths have spiked 32 percent, according to data from The Times as of Oct. 12. Healthcare systems also remain strained, with the state seeing the highest number of active patients since December 2020. For more COVID news and updates sent straight to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter. 

New cases in the last seven days: 39 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 19 percent

The latest health data from Colorado shows that the summer surge has not yet ended in the state. But while a spike in new cases already has local officials concerned, a new wave of hospitalizations has others worried that a recent downward trend may be cut short. “Now we’re still stuck on that high plateau, and it looks like things are trending upwards,” Beth Carlton, PhD, an associate professor of environmental and occupational health at the Colorado School of Public Health, told The Denver Post. RELATED: A Virus Expert Says She Still Wouldn’t Go Here—Even With a Booster.

New cases in the last seven days: 34 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 25 percent

COVID surges recently reported across New England are still being felt in states like Vermont. Local health officials said on Oct. 11 that 222 new cases had been reported, making it the fifth day in a row that more than 200 infections were added to the state’s total. As a result, Gov. Phil Scott urged residents to make sure they were up on their shots, whether it was their first or any necessary additional doses. “We know vaccines are safe and effective, and these additional doses add even more protection. So, I encourage anyone who is eligible to register for your booster today,” Scott said. “At the same time, we continue to urge those who have not yet gotten their first dose to get vaccinated. The data shows we are now in a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and vaccines are the best way to protect yourself, friends, and family, and to make sure we continue moving forward from the pandemic.”

title: “These 7 States Are Seeing The Worst Covid Surges Right Now Best Life” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-21” author: “Eleanor Moran”

Despite the continuing rise in cases, some top officials have expressed confidence that we could finally see the pandemic brought to heel in the coming months. “If we can get through this winter and get really the majority—overwhelming majority—of the 90 million people who have not been vaccinated, vaccinated, I hope we can start to get some good control in the spring of 2022,” Anthony Fauci, MD, chief White House COVID adviser, told CNN’s Anderson Cooper during an Aug. 23 interview. But Fauci explained that this timeline was a projection of hope and that more of the general population would have to get vaccinated to make it a reality. “As we get into the spring, we could start getting back to a degree of normality, namely reassuming the things that we were hoping we could do—restaurants, theaters, that kind of thing. It’s up to us,” he said. “If we keep lingering without getting those people vaccinated that should be vaccinated, this thing could linger on, leading to the development of another variant, which could complicate things.” Read on to see which states are seeing the worst COVID surges of 35 percent or more over the past week as of August 23, according to data from The Washington Post. RELATED: This Could Determine If You Catch the Delta Variant—And It’s Not Vaccination.

New cases in the last seven days: 65 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 36 percent

According to data from the state’s Department of Health, Wyoming’s recent spike in COVID cases has led to a rise in hospitalizations, ballooning from 25 to 165 over the weekend. But those aren’t the only numbers going up: Vaccinations in the state also saw a 20 percent increase over last month, with more than 7,400 people receiving their first shot between Aug. 6 and Aug. 20, according to state data analyzed by the Casper Star-Tribune.

New cases in the last seven days: 19 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 37 percent

Numbers have been trending in the wrong direction in New Hampshire lately. On Aug. 20, state health officials announced that its seven-day positive test rate had hit 6 percent for the first time since Jan. 15. Following the weekend, it was then announced that the Granite State had more than 100 COVID-related hospitalizations for the first time since Apr. 23, with data showing that the rate of hospitalization is now higher than the last time overall case numbers were at the same level, local ABC affiliate WMUR reports. RELATED: This Is When the Delta Surge Will Be Worst in Your Area, Virus Expert Warns.

New cases in the last seven days: 27 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 38 percent

COVID numbers in the Rocky Mountain State have spiked significantly in the last seven days, rising to 10,277 cases in the week ending on Aug. 22 from the roughly 7,800 cases reported the previous week, according to data from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. The surge has led some local health experts to call for a return to public health precautions such as wearing masks. While noting that vaccines were highly effective at preventing hospitalizations or deaths, Beth Carlton, an associate professor of environmental and occupational health at the Colorado School of Public Health, said that face coverings could help cut back on the high rate of breakthrough infections. “We need to rely on more than just vaccines,” she told The Denver Post.

New cases in the last seven days: 90 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 38 percent

As cases mount and hospital beds become scarce across the state, the Tennessee Department of Health announced on Aug. 23 that it had called in the Tennessee National Guard to help support overwhelmed hospitals. The state is also seeing a particularly sharp increase in pediatric cases, with nearly 1,400 cases a day being reported in school-aged children 5-18 years old, Tennessee Public Radio reports. “As the cases go up, we only know this is going to multiply,” Shelley Ost, MD, a pediatrician at Le Bonheur Hospital in Memphis, told Tennessee Public Radio. “And there’s already nowhere for these patients to go because there’s just not capacity.” RELATED: If You See This Inside Any Business Right Now, Leave Immediately, Experts Say.

New cases in the last seven days: 28 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 50 percent

During a press conference on Aug. 23, health officials in North Dakota announced that the state had seen active COVID infections increase fivefold over the past month and is currently experiencing the highest number of hospitalizations seen since January, the Grand Forks Herald reports. Molly Howell, State Immunization Program Manager for North Dakota, said that the Food & Drug Administration’s (FDA) formal approval of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine on Monday would hopefully convince more people in the state to get their doses.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb “Over 360 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in the United States to date; 686,630 doses have been given in North Dakota alone,”  she said during the press conference. “So I hope North Dakotans who are not yet vaccinated can now feel confident in the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines and choose to be vaccinated.” For more helpful health news delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter. 

New cases in the last seven days: 25 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 51 percent

Vermont currently holds the record for highest COVID vaccination rate in the country, with 85.2 percent of all residents aged 12 and older having received at least one dose as of Aug. 23, according to the Vermont Department of Health. But a spike in infections has caused alarm in the state, especially in pediatric cases. State officials announced that the seven-day rolling average hit 120 cases over the weekend, making it the highest recorded during the recent Delta surge, VTDigger reports. RELATED: Don’t Eat Indoors If You Live Here—Even If You’re Vaccinated, Virus Expert Warns.

New cases in the last seven days: 52 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 99 percent

State data released on Aug. 23 shows that West Virginia currently had 10,543 active COVID cases as infections rose across all counties. During a press conference that same day, West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice urged more citizens to get vaccinated, warning: “We’re on a pathway to the masks, we’re on a pathway to the virtual school in a lot of situations, we’re on a pathway to having a lot more people dying.” Other top health officials emphasized the need for a revival of mask mandates in the midst of the surge. “We are very worried. We are starting to see the inflection point—a 10-times increase in the number of cases since the first week of July,” Clay Marsh, MD, vice president for health sciences at West Virginia University and the state’s COVID-19 czar, said during the briefing. “We know the time is now to be able to give any protective or lifesaving measures that we can possibly do for our residents.”

title: “These 7 States Are Seeing The Worst Covid Surges Right Now Best Life” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-26” author: “Susan Mancil”

RELATED: Pfizer Says Its Vaccine Starts Losing Efficacy After This Long. Last week, on July 6, the seven-day average of COVID cases in the U.S. was 12,696, per The Washington Post. As of July 13, the caseload has almost doubled to 23,369. NBC reports that Jay Butler, MD, the deputy director for infectious diseases at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said during a call that “after several weeks of declining numbers of cases, followed by a long plateau, we are seeing an increase in the number of cases in many parts of the country now.” He added that hospitalization rates are also beginning to climb. Per NBC, White House coronavirus response coordinator Jeff Zients said during a press briefing last week that he expects that the number of COVID cases will continue to grow as long as there’s a significant number of people in the U.S. who are unvaccinated. CNN shared an analysis of data from Johns Hopkins University and the CDC published on July 12 that showed cases are highest in states with low vaccination rates. According to the analysis, the average daily rate over the past week in states where less than half of residents are vaccinated is three times higher than the rate of cases in states that have vaccinated more than half of their residents. Deaths could also rise along with case numbers. On July 4, White House COVID adviser Anthony Fauci, MD, told NBC’s Chuck Todd that the majority of COVID deaths are preventable since they’re largely unvaccinated people. “If you look at the number of deaths, about 99.2 percent of them are unvaccinated,” Fauci said in an appearance on Meet the Press. “When you talk about the avoidability of hospitalization and death, Chuck, it’s really sad and tragic that most all of these are avoidable and preventable.” RELATED: For more up-to-date information, sign up for our daily newsletter. The highly infectious Delta variant plays a large role in the uptick in cases. “The Delta variant is ripping around the world at a scorching pace, driving a new surge in COVID cases and death,” World Health Organization (WHO) director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a press conference on July 12. The Delta variant is currently the dominant strain of the virus in the U.S., now accounting for more than 50 percent of new cases, NBC News reports. Tedros expects the Delta variant will also “soon be the dominant COVID-19 strain circulating worldwide.” To find out which states are seeing more than a 100 percent surge in COVID cases as of July 13, according to data from The Washington Post, read on. RELATED: If You Did This After Your First Shot, You’re at Risk for the Delta Variant.

New cases in the last seven days: 3 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 111 percent

New cases in the last seven days: 13 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 114 percent

New cases in the last seven days: 2 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 125 percent

New cases in the last seven days: 1 case per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 125 percent

New cases in the last seven days: 26 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 149 percent

New cases in the last seven days: 11 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 187 percent

New cases in the last seven days: 7 cases per 100,000 people Percent increase in the last seven days: 385 percent

RELATED: If You Got This One Vaccine, Get a Booster Now, Virus Expert Warns.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb