Moran explains that different colors can set different moods in your space, some of which may not be conducive to sleep. If you want your bedroom to be more calming, “explore neutrals, light shades of aqua, and golds,” she suggests. However, dramatic hues like “intense reds, deep browns, and even olive greens” are less likely to leave you feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in the morning. While Moran says that having too dark a room may not keep you up at night, it can “zap your energy upon waking.” On the other hand, vibrant colors should be avoided in bedrooms because “they have the potential to interrupt sleep and promote activity rather than relaxation,” Moran explains. In fact, a 2013 survey from Travelodge on 2,000 British homes found that individuals with darker or more intense bedroom colors got less sleep than those who favored less dramatic hues. In rooms with gray walls, individuals slept for 6 hours and 12 minutes, on average; and in rooms with brown walls, they got an average of 6 hours and 5 minutes of sleep per night. People with purple walls, however, got just 5 hours and 56 minutes of sleep on an average night.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb In line with Moran’s suggestion, the same survey found that blue bedrooms were the most conducive to sleep, with inhabitants getting an average of 7 hours and 52 minutes per night, while those with yellow rooms came in a close second, snoozing for 7 hours and 40 minutes. However, that doesn’t mean that dark or dramatic hues have to be off the table entirely. If you must use a darker paint color in your bedroom, Moran suggests avoiding painting the whole room that color. Instead, she recommends “choosing a feature wall or leaving the trims out.” RELATED: For more up-to-date information, sign up for our daily newsletter. Additionally, she says to employ some feng shui principles in the bedroom to make it a better sleeping space. In addition to limiting clutter that can make you feel anxious and keep you up, “the bed should be your focal point and any other items which are visible should only be the ones complementing it,” she explains. And for more great home design tips, These Are the Paint Colors Experts Say to Never Use in Your Home.